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Special:Precursors of Wenchuan Earthquake

Earthquake prediction is not ready yet, but it's not the excuse to stop us from looking for possible precursors! In this special session, a simple statistical analysis is done on papers related to precursors of WCEQ in the last 5 years。The full collection of papers can be found on this site by following the “Precursors and Pre-Seismic Process” on main page。


Up to May 23rd, 2013,128 papers collected by this site are related to WCEQ precursors. Among them 22 are published in both Chinese and English. Therefore there are 106 independent papers dealing with this topic。


Paper count by research directions:


EM(Including resistivity)19 (English 6)

Gravity 5  (English 3)

Stress 8 (English 3)

Strain and Deformation 18 (English 6)

Ionosphere 12 (English 6)

Geothermal 5 (English 2)

seismic Activity 16 (English 7)

Comprehensive 14 (English 5)

Others 7 (Fluid 3,Radon 1,Tide 2, Velocity 1 )(English 2)