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Journal: Earthquake Science  2012 No.3  Share to Sinaweibo  Share to QQweibo  Share to Facebook  Share to Twitter    clicks:686   
Analysis of the co-seismic responses of the fluid well pattern system in Jiangsu Province to the Wenchuan and Tohoku earthquakes
Author: Jiangrong Zheng, Haolin Jiang and Zhengran He2
Adress: Earthquake Administration of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210014, China
Abstract: This thesis discusses the earthquake reflecting ability of the observation well pattern system of Jiangsu Province, China, which has been digitally renovated, and probes into the cause of the major differences in the earthquake reflecting abilities of well holes at different measurement points. This is achieved through the analysis of the co-seismic responses to the Wenchuan (2008; Ms8.0, China) and Tohoku (2011; Ms9.0, Japan) earthquakes. We found that the co-seismic response of water level from regional well holes in Jiangsu Province was stronger than that of water temperature. The water-level co-seismic response follows a consistent law and is closely related to the earthquake magnitude. The co-seismic response of water temperature strongly varied among well points, and was more often manifested as a slow restorative change. The co-seismic responses also varied based on tectonic elements. The response in central and northern Jiangsu was weaker than that of southern Jiangsu, possibly due to the thicker loess cover layer in central Jiangsu which makes it less effective at capturing the micro-changes of stress-strain states relative to the hilly land in the south. The more complicated geological structure in southern Jiangsu makes it contribute to greater changes in the state of underground water after a minor disturbance
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