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Journal: Earthquake Science  2011 No.3  Share to Sinaweibo  Share to QQweibo  Share to Facebook  Share to Twitter    clicks:302   
High-velocity frictional behavior of Longmenshan fault gouge from Hongkou outcrop and its implications for dynamic weakening of fault during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake
Author: Tetsuhiro Togo Toshihiko Shimamoto Shengli Ma and Takehiro Hirose
Adress: Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science,Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University,Higashi-Hiroshima,739-8526,Japan
Abstract: High-velocity friction experiments were conducted on clayey fault gouge collected from Hongkou outcrop of Beichuan fault,located at the southwestern part of Longmenshan fault system that caused the disastrous 2008 Wenchuan earthquake.The ultimate purpose of this study is to reproduce this earthquake by modeling based on measured frictional properties.Dry gouge of about 1 mm in thickness was deformed dry at slip rates of 0.01 to 1.3 m/s and at normal stresses of 0.61 to 3.04 MPa,using a rotary-shear high-velocity frictional testing machine.The gouge displays slip weakening behavior as initial peak friction decays towards steady-state values after a given displacement.Both peak friction and steady-state friction remain high at slow slip rates are examined and gouge only exhibits dramatic weakening at high slip rates,with steady-state friction coefficient values of about 0.1 to 0.2.Specific fracture energy ranges from 1 to 4 MN/m in our results and this is of the same order as seismically determined values.Low friction coefficients measured on experimental faults are in broad agreement with lack of thermal anomaly observed from temperature measurements in WFSD-1 drill hole(Wenchuan Earthquake Fault Scientific Drilling Project),which can be explained by even smaller friction coefficient for the Wenchuan earthquake fault.High-velocity friction experiments with pore water needs to be done to see if even smaller friction is attained or not.Shiny slickenside surfaces form at high slip rates,but not at slow slip rates. Slip zone with slickenside surface changes its color to dark brown and forms duplex-like microstructures,which are similar to those microstructures found in the fault gouges from the Hongkou outcrop.Detailed comparisons between experimentally deformed gouge samples and WFSD drill cores in the future will reveal how much we could reproduce the dynamic weakening processes in operation in fault zones during Wenchuan earthquake at present.
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