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Journal: Earthquake Science  2011 No.5  Share to Sinaweibo  Share to QQweibo  Share to Facebook  Share to Twitter    clicks:1014   
Apparent permeability variation of underground water aquifer induced by an earthquake:A case of the Zhouzhi well and the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake
Author: Guijuan Lai Fuqiong Huang and Hongkui Ge
Adress: Institute of Geophysics,China Earthquake Administration,Beijing 100081,China
Abstract: Taking the M2 wave as calibration signals,we extract the phase shifts of the water level relative to the Earth tide in the Zhouzhi well by utilizing the cross-correlation function.And we further obtain the apparent permeability variation in the aquifer of the Zhouzhi well in 2008.Comparison with the commonly used tidal analysis software Baytap-G shows that phase shifts obtained by cross-correlation function are more stable.The resulting apparent permeability of the Zhouzhi well aquifer fluctuates with time,indicating it is a dynamically controlled parameter.The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake caused the apparent permeability increasing drastically, which is interpreted as the combination effects of effective stress changes and the barriers removing in the flow channel due to seismic wave pressure pulse.After the Wenchuan earthquake,the effective stress began to recover and the impurities deposited gradually,causing the apparent permeability to decrease a month later and almost recover to the pre-earthquake level in six months. 更多
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