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Journal: Geophysical Journal International  2011 No.7  Share to Sinaweibo  Share to QQweibo  Share to Facebook  Share to Twitter    clicks:1031   
Slip distribution of the 2008 Wenchuan Ms 7.9 earthquake by joint inversion from GPS and InSAR measurements: a resolution test study
Author: Guohong Zhang, Chunyan Qu,Xinjian Shan,Xiaogang Song,Guifang Zhang,Chisheng Wang,Jyr-Ching Hu,Rongjiang Wang
Adress: State Key Laboratory of Earthquake Dynamics, Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100029, China.
Abstract:     We investigate the slip distribution of the 2008 May 12 Wenchuan Ms 7.9 earthquake using GPS data and InSAR measurements under a linear inversion scheme, with emphasis on the effect of three factors, including constraint on rake, different discretizations, and layered elastic model. Within our inversion parameterization context, we find the most influential factor would be constraint on rake. Without constraint on rake, the slip model seems physically wrong under the depth of 15 km, due to the limited depth resolution of the geodetic data used, especially the one orbit of InSAR measurements. Thus it is necessary to add a priori to the slip rake to obtain a reasonable fault source model. Different discretizations of the subfault patches have a notable impact on the slip distribution. Also, the layered elastic model predicts more slip at depth than does the half-space model, by about 15–20 per cent. The characteristics of slip distribution established through our inversions include some points as follows: (1) the most reliable results would be expected at depth range of 0–15 km; (2) three peak-slip asperities are inverted, at Yingxiu county (near epicentre), Yuejiashan county, and Beichuan county, respectively; (3) the inverted rake along the Yingxiu-Beichuan fault changes from dominantly thrusting motion at the southwest segments to dominant right-lateral or even pure right-lateral strike slip at the northeast segments, and (4) only thrust slip is occurred on the Guanxian-Jiangyou fault.
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