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Journal: Chinese Journal of Geophysics  2009 No.5  Share to Sinaweibo  Share to QQweibo  Share to Facebook  Share to Twitter    clicks:804   
Technical system construction of Data Backup Centre for China Seismograph Network and the data support to researches on the Wenchuan earthquake
Author: ZHENG Xiu-Fen; OUYANG Biao; ZHANG Dong-Ning;YAO Zhi-Xiang; LIANG Jian-Hong; ZHENG Jie
Adress: Institute of Geophysics , China Earthquake Administration , Beijing 100081, China

The seismological observation system in China has experienced rapid development over the Tenth Five-year Plan period. The technical system construction of Data Backup Centre for China Seismograph Network is one of the most important parts of China Digital Seismological Observation Network program, which has been completed in Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration at the end of 2007. The data centre is capable of receiving near real-time continuous waveform data from more than 1000 permanent seismic stations, and also manipulating that data, including data quality control, data format converting, event data extraction by user order and data download service via internet. By now, we have supplied about 70 TB waveform data to over 70 researches of over 10 academic institutes and universities, especially the studies concerned with the Wenchuan great earthquake. The paper will give a brief introduction to the technical system construction, rapid response of data service to the Wenchuan earthquake studies, construction of automatic event-extracted system for rapid response of large earthquake in near real-time and data support to scientific researches.

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