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Journal: Earthquake Research In China  2009 No.3  Share to Sinaweibo  Share to QQweibo  Share to Facebook  Share to Twitter    clicks:850   
The Geodynamic Mechanism of the M_S8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake
Author: Zhang Guomin Shao Zhigang Liu Guiping and Ma Hongsheng
Adress: Inst itute of Earthquake Science, CEA, Beijing 100036, China
Abstract: Located on the east boundary of Qingha-i Xizang ( Tibet) Plateau, the MS810 Wenchuan earthquake is the strongest event to hit the active block since the 2001 Kunlun Mountains Pass earthquake. In this study, a simplified source model of the Wenchuan earthquake is constructed based on the deepPshallow tectonic settings and crustPmantle structure features of the Longmenshan thrust fault zone. On the basis of dynamic model abstraction, we construct a system of dynamical equations for the seismogenic process and obtain the analytical expressions of stress and strain in the seismogenic process. A preliminary study of the seismogenic process of the MS810 Wenchuan earthquake, based on the analytical solution of the model and observation of tectonic deformation in the Longmenshan region, indicates that the seismogenic process of the Wenchuan earthquake took place over a period of more than 3200 years. The slow process of seismogeny and the long recurrence period of strong earthquakes are attributed to the low deformation rate of the Longmenshan tectonic zone.
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