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Journal: Earthquake Research In China  2009 No.3  Share to Sinaweibo  Share to QQweibo  Share to Facebook  Share to Twitter    clicks:736   
Preliminary Research on the Characteristics of the M_S8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake Hazard
Author: Li Zhiqiang Yuan Yifan Li Xiaoli Zhang Qin Dai Boyang Ye Youqing Ge Peifeng
Adress: Institute of Geology , China Earthquake Administration , Beijing 100029 , China
Abstract: The MS810 Wenchuan earthquake on May 12 , 2008 caused heavy casualties and economic loss.According to the f ield investigations , the characteristics can be described as follows : The meizoseismal region with an intensity of XI shows an obviously zonal distribution and suffered serious destruction from the earthquake , and the destruction perpendicular to the earthquake surface rupture decreased sharply. At the same time , the intensity X and IX regions perpendicular to the rupture are narrow and therefore their coverage area is small . The intensity on both sides of the rupture attenuates rapidly , but intensity VII and the VI regions are wide , the latter covering about 240 , 000 km21 In intensity VI region , the damage area
perpendicular to the rupture in the southern part is much larger than that of the northern part. Also , much new understanding about destruction types and destructive modes for all kinds of buildings , landforms and terrain is achieved in this paper.
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