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Journal: Earth and Planetary Science Letters  2019 No.523  Share to Sinaweibo  Share to QQweibo  Share to Facebook  Share to Twitter    clicks:164   
Active crustal deformation in southeastern Tibetan Plateau: The kinematics and dynamics
Author: Yujiang Li et al.
Adress: Key Laboratory of Crustal Dynamics, Institute of Crustal Dynamics, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100085, China

Crustal deformation in southeastern Tibetan Plateau has been attributed to tectonic extrusion and gravitational spreading. Here we analyzed the present-day strain partitioning in this region using GPS data. The results show highly localized shear strain along the Xianshuihe-Anninghe-Xiaojiang strike-slip faults, as expected by the model of tectonic extrusion. However, the localized shear strain along strike-slip faults ends in southern Yunnan and transfers to crustal extension in Yunnan and contraction in Myanmar. We developed three-dimensional visco-elastoplastic finite element models to investigate the causes of the observed crustal deformation. Our results indicate that the present-day crustal deformation in southeastern Tibetan Plateau can be largely explained by gravitational spreading.

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