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Journal: Earth and Planetary Science Letters  2018 No.485  Share to Sinaweibo  Share to QQweibo  Share to Facebook  Share to Twitter    clicks:162   
Southeastward increase of the late Quaternary slip-rate of the Xianshuihe fault, eastern Tibet. Geodynamic and seismic hazard implications
Author: Mingkun Bai et al.
Adress: Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, 26 Baiwanzhuang Rd, Beijing 100037, China
Abstract: The left-lateral strike-slip Xianshuihe fault system located in the eastern Tibetan Plateau is considered as one of the most tectonically active intra-continental fault system in China, along which more than 20 M > 6.5 and more than 10 M > 7 earthquakes occurred since 1700. Therefore, studying its activity, especially its slip rate at different time scales, is essential to evaluate the regional earthquake hazard. Here, we focus on the central segment of the Xianshuihe fault system, where the Xianshuihe fault near Kangding city splays into three branches: the Selaha, Yalahe and Zheduotang faults. In this paper we use precise dating together with precise field measurements of offsets to re-estimate the slip rate of the fault that was suggested without precise age constraints. We studied three sites where the active Selaha fault cuts and left-laterally offsets moraine crests and levees. We measured horizontal offsets of 96 ± 20 m at Tagong levees (TG), 240 ± 15 m at Selaha moraine (SLH) and 80 ± 5 m at Yangjiagou moraine (YJG). Using 10Be cosmogenic dating, we determined abandonment ages at Tagong, Selaha and Yangjiagou of 12.5(+2.5/−2.2)

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