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Journal: Earthquake Research In China  2011 No.3  Share to Sinaweibo  Share to QQweibo  Share to Facebook  Share to Twitter    clicks:1028   
Distribution Characteristics of the Seismicity of Zipingpu Reservoir Region after the Wenchuan Earthquake
Author: Li Hai'ou Ma Wentao Xu Xiwei Xie Ronghua Yuan Jingli and Xu Changpeng
Adress: Institute of Geology,China Earthquake Administration,Beijing 100029,China
Abstract: 815 earthquakes recorded by 12 seismic stations of the Zipingpu reservoir seismic network in 2009 were relocated using the double difference algorithm to analyze the seismic activity of the Zipingpu reservoir. Relocation results show that the earthquakes are concentrated relatively in three zones. The distribution characteristics of focal depth are obviously different among different concentration zones. This means earthquakes in different concentration zones may have different causes. Compared to relocation of earthquakes taking place before the Wenchuan earthquake done by other researchers,the seismic
concentration zones in the reservoir area shifted obviously after the Wenchuan earthquake. These variations are related to local stress adjustment in the reservoir area and may also be related to the diffusion depth and range of increased pore pressure caused by rock failure in the course of Wenchuan earthquake.
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