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Journal: Earthquake Research In China  2012 No.2  Share to Sinaweibo  Share to QQweibo  Share to Facebook  Share to Twitter    clicks:828   
Analysis of Some Building Damage Phenomena in the Wenchuan Earthquake
Author: Li Min Li Xiaojun
Adress: China Earthquake Networks Center; Beijing 100045; China
Abstract: The MS 8. 0 Wenchuan earthquake caused a great deal of damage and collapse to engineering structures. Survey of disaster and engineering damage was made in detail by the authors and other researchers in the extreme earthquake disaster area. The paper makes an overview of the earthquake disaster status and damage phenomena which include brick-concrete buildings, frame structures, brick-wood structures, and timber frame residential buildings. Furthermore, the causes of the disaster and building damage phenomena are briefly discussed. In addition, some typical damage phenomena are
specialized. According to the phenomena mentioned above,some feasible seismic measures are suggested for the development of buildings in future.
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