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Journal: Geophysical Journal International  2018 No.2  Share to Sinaweibo  Share to QQweibo  Share to Facebook  Share to Twitter    clicks:154   
Estimating the hydraulic parameters of a confined aquifer based on the response of groundwater levels to seismic Rayleigh waves
Author: Xiaolong Sun, Yang Xiang, Zheming Shi

Groundwater flow models implemented to manage regional water resources require aquifer hydraulic parameters. Traditional methods for obtaining these parameters include laboratory experiments, field tests and model inversions, and each are potentially hindered by their unique limitations. Here, we propose a methodology for estimating hydraulic conductivity and storage coefficients using the spectral characteristics of the coseismic groundwater-level oscillations and seismic Rayleigh waves. The results from Well X10 are consistent with the variations and spectral characteristics of the water-level oscillations and seismic waves and present an estimated hydraulic conductivity of approximately 1 × 10−3 m s−1 and storativity of 15 × 10−6. The proposed methodology for estimating hydraulic parameters in confined aquifers is a practical and novel approach for groundwater management and seismic precursor anomaly analyses.

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