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Journal: Geophysical Journal International  2020 No.1  Share to Sinaweibo  Share to QQweibo  Share to Facebook  Share to Twitter    clicks:298   
A-optimal design method to determine the regularization parameter of coseismic slip distribution inversion
Author: Leyang Wang

The key to the inversion of a coseismic slip distribution is to determine the regularization parameters. In view of the determination of regularization parameters in seismic slip distribution inversion, the A-optimal design method is proposed in this paper. The L-curve method and A-optimal design method are used to design simulation experiments, and the inversion results show that the A-optimal design method is superior to the L-curve method in determining the regularization parameters. These two methods are also used to determine the regularization parameters of the L'Aquila and Lushan earthquake slip distribution inversions, and the results are consistent with those of other research conducted at home and abroad. Compared with the L-curve method, the A-optimal design method has the advantages of a high accuracy that does not rely on the data fitting accuracy.

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