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Journal: Journal of Geophysical Research  2018 No.123(1)  Share to Sinaweibo  Share to QQweibo  Share to Facebook  Share to Twitter    clicks:268   
The Mechanism and Dynamics of N-S Rifting in Southern Tibet: Insight From 3-D Thermomechanical Modeling
Author: Yajin Pang, Huai Zhang, Taras V. Gerya, Jie Liao, Huihong Cheng, Yaolin Shi
Adress: Key Laboratory of Computational Geodynamics, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,
Abstract: N-S trending rifts are widely distributed in southern Tibet, suggesting that this region is under E-W extension, behind the N-S collision between the Eurasia and India plates. Geophysical anomalies and Miocene magma extrusions indicate the presence of dispersed weak zones in the middle to lower crust in southern Tibet. These weak zones are partially located underneath the N-S rifting systems. In order to study the formation of rifts in collision zones, we have developed a high-resolution 3-D thermomechanical model of continental lithosphere with bidirectional compressional-extensional deformation, and spatially localized weak and low-density zones in the middle to lower crust. Our numerical experiments systematically reproduce the development of N-S trending rifts. Model results reveal that the weak middle to lower crust triggers the development of normal faults in the upper crust and surface uplift, whereas regions without such weak layer or with small-scale weak zones are characterized by strike-slip faulting. Geodynamic properties (density, depth, and geometry) of the weak middle to lower crust and Moho temperature notably influence the rifting pattern. In addition, rifting formation is critically controlled by large E-W extension, with the ratio of extensional to compressional strain rate larger than 1.5 in the model with continuous weak middle crust. Our simulated rifting patterns correlate well with the observations in southern Tibet; we conclude that a combination of the bidirectional compression-extension and the presence of locally weak middle to lower crust triggered the development of the rifting systems in southern Tibet.
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